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5:11 p.m. - Thursday,oct.23, 2004

Internet service still down. Went into the city and nearly convinced downtown to give it back (it was free, almost did but it turned into too much work and the possibility of a parking ticket.) Wrex and Chaos were waiting in the car anyhow.

Zeb's birthday yesterday. A frog tank was set up in the living room.

"Who gave you the frog?" I asked.

"It's the same frog. Truman came home!"

After like 8 months of believing Truman had died and his body got sucked into the water filter or something, turned out the little bugger had gone on the lam.

Zeb had been working in the (dirt floor, grimy) basement when suddenly a slightly larger, much skinner firebellied toad came leaping over to him, as if to say,

"Got Worms?"


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